If you have been sexually assaulted, then we really want to encourage you to get in touch with our local Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC).
In Doncaster, this service is provided by Hackenthorpe Lodge which can be accessed by clicking here.
What is abuse?
Domestic abuse is a pattern of behaviour on the part of the abuser designed to control their partner. It can happen at any point in a relationship, including after you have split up.
Anyone forced to change their behaviour because they are frightened of their partner or ex-partner’s reaction is experiencing abuse.
Domestic abuse can happen to anyone, regardless of gender, background, age, religion, sexuality or ethnicity. However, statistics show most domestic abuse is carried out by men and experienced by women.
Domestic abuse is never the fault of the person who is experiencing it.
Domestic abuse is a crime.
Call the National Domestic Abuse Helpline on: 0808 2000 247
Sheffield-based organisation providing practical and emotional support for BAMER (Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic and Refugee) woman and children fleeing domestic and sexual abuse 0114255 5740
Domestic abuse support service provided by Doncaster City Council 01302 737080 or on-line form available
Independant Domestic Abuse Service (IDAS)
Specialist charity supporting people affected by domestic abuse and sexual violence in Barnsley, Sheffield and North Yorkshire
North Yorks & Barnsley 03000 110 110
Sheffield 0808 808 2241
Inspire to Change (Cranstoun)
Programme in South Yorkshire designed to help men and women manage abusive behaviour to prevent harm to their partners, family and children 0114 321 1377
Support adults, young people and children affected by domestic abuse and child sexual exploitation in Rotherham 0330 202 0571
Sheffield Domestic Abuse Co-ordination Team (DACT)
Free helpline and online advice for domestic abuse victims in Sheffield 0808 808 2241